Preferred Nutrition - BioSil
What can you expect from BioSil™:
- Reduced wrinkles and fine lines
- Thick, strong, healthy hair
- Strong nails
- Increased bone density and flexibility
Molecular biologists have pinpointed the key structural protein integrally involved in creating smooth skin, thick strong hair, and strong nails. It’s your body’s beauty protein, collagen. Collagen is an essential building block of your body, making up 70% of your skin and 30% of your bones. During youth, you have a rich abundance of collagen, which arranges itself into a resilient and flexible “tight mesh” matrix . This “ideal” collagen condition prevents wrinkles from forming, gives skin elasticity and helps create thick and strong hair. But over the years, collagen diminishes and undergoes other changes.1
Age Related Collagen Loss
Starting at age 21, collagen begins to diminish, reaching a rate of about 1% per year by age 40.2 During this time, the vital collagen “mesh” begins to loosen, making the skin less firm and less elastic. The loss of collagen also reduces skin thickness, with the average woman’s skin thinning by 7% every 10 years. By age 30, the signs of reduced collagen on skin, hair and nails become visible. The effect of this reduction on bones and joints also become measurable. After menopause, collagen reduction accelerates even further, resulting in even greater changes to skin and hair appearance.2 Excessive exposure to sunlight can also accelerate changes in collagen, thus contributing to the formation of wrinkles.3
Now You Can Regenerate Collagen with Clinically Proven BioSil™
For years, scientists searched for a method that would give the human body the ability to regenerate its own collagen. But it took the discovery of BioSil’s™ patented choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid (ch-OSA®), the active ingredient in BioSil™, to make genuine collagen regeneration a reality.
BioSil™ “turns on” the body’s actual collagen-generating cells, known as fibroblasts. Because BioSil™ works through your body’s natural pathways, the collagen it generates has your own DNA fingerprint. BioSil™ has been tested in rigorous double-blind placebo controlled trials which have consistently shown its safety and effectiveness for collagen regeneration and improved appearance of skin, hair and nails.
In one study, 50 women with sun damaged skin took BioSil™ or a placebo tablet for 20 weeks. At the end of the trial, women taking BioSil™ showed significant improvements in skin smoothness and strength, and in nail and hair strength.3 In yet another study, BioSil™ supplementation for nine months increased hair thickness, elasticity and strength in women with fine hair.4
Collagen: Generate It – Don’t Eat It
It’s important to note that BioSil™ is not made out of collagen. Instead it triggers the body to generate its own collagen. There’s a big difference. When you ingest collagen, the human body breaks it down and uses it as food. By contrast, BioSil’s™ patented ch-OSA complex is absorbed by the body, where it acts to promote the production of collagen, boosting your body’s collagen levels, and slowing the loss of this essential building block that occurs with age. As a result, BioSil™ provides superior support for stronger, healthier and thicker hair; stronger nails; fewer fine lines and wrinkles and denser and more flexible bones.